What Does A Data Scientist Do On The Job every day?

Data science, the most-happening career choice of the 21st century (at least according to HBR), is still relevant. It is an utterly exciting field, where these extraordinary scientists analyze, evaluate, and optimize data to arrive at an insight. Data science is an evolving field, spreading its wings from science and technology to health, logistics, and even the penal system. But data science, as put by a data science bootcamp instructor, is not a single disciple. It is an umbrella term describing the complex process of filtering, cleaning, and representing data by a group of skilled professionals with almost non-overlapping skills. So, what does a data scientist do IRL? This page is dedicated to finding out the answer to this question. But before we begin, let us understand what defines data science. What Is Data Science? Data science is one of the most promising fields out there today. It involves sorting, cleaning, analyzing, and representing big data to gain insight and arri...